October 28, 2020
The Home on Eighth has been notified of one additional positive case of COVID-19 with a staff member as of October 27, 2020. This staff member did have minimal contact with residents on 2nd Heritage. We are implementing screening three times daily for those residents. The plan for indoor visitation to begin on October 29 has been postponed. Once we are able to safely move forward with our plan, we will provide you with an updated timeline. Outdoor visits will be put on hold at this time. Window visits are still able to be scheduled with Life Enrichment.
While we are all hoping to get back to life as it once was, the spread of the virus has not changed. Our vigilance is as important now as it has ever been. When you physically distance, wear a cloth face covering, limit your trips, and wash your hands, you are practicing the best health measures to protect yourself against COVID-19. These measures protect you and the others in your life.
Please be assured the Samaritan Bethany team continues to rigorously follow all infection control guidance. We are thankful for your continued prayers and support as we take all precautions to combat this virus.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me at 507-424-4041 or kberg@samaritanbethany.com if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your understanding,
Kyla Berg
Visit our COVID19 Webpage at www.samaritanbethany.com/covid-19/ for the most recent communications and updates.