Health & Wellness
At Samaritan Bethany, we provide support for healthy bodies and healthy minds. Individual care plans are developed for each resident in Assisted Living, Short Term Care and Long Term Care.
Health Services
Flu shots are provided annually at no cost to residents. On-site dental visits with Apple Tree Dental and foot care clinics are offered on a regular basis. On-site psychotherapy is provided by a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker and is available to all Long Term Care and Short Term Care residents.
Nursing staff are on duty around-the-clock. Residents can check in with questions regarding routine health matters, such as blood pressure checks. Transportation to scheduled medical appointments is provided.
Exercise and Rehabilitation 
Residents are encouraged to use the exercise room in Arbor Terrace, which offers fitness equipment that builds strength and promotes mobility. When rehabilitation services are appropriate, they are provided on-site through our excellent rehabilitation program, which features one of the few anti-gravity treadmills in use in Minnesota care centers.
Pet Therapy
Knowing the comfort and delight pets can provide, we arrange for frequent visits by therapy animals, and family members are welcome to bring pets to visit.