COVID19 Update Published Sept. 28, 2020
September 28, 2020
We have received test results for residents living and staff working at Home on Eighth. Two residents and two employees have tested positive. All enhanced infection control measures have been implemented and we are following well established protocols to provide care and maintain the safety of our residents and staff. At this time, all outdoor and window visits have temporally been suspended. We believe these positive test results reflect the rapid spread of the virus in the greater community.
While we are all hoping to get back to life as it once was, the spread of the virus has not changed. Our vigilance is as important now as it has ever been. When you physically distance, wear a cloth face covering, limit your trips, and wash your hands, you are practicing the best health measures to protect yourself against COVID-19. These measures protect you and the others in your life.
We are thankful for your continued prayers and support as we take all precautions to combat this virus.
We pray you and yours are healthy and stay safe.
Please be assured the Samaritan Bethany team continues to rigorously follow all infection control guidance. Please reach out to us if you have further questions at 507-289-4031 and ask for Kyla Berg or Dee Erbe-Shea.
Visit our COVID19 Webpage at www.samaritanbethany.com/covid-19/ for the most recent communications and updates.